The live classes start at 9.30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the recordings made available soon after. Reminder emails are sent out the day before each class that also contain Scriptures, testimonies, and encouragements from Adam and others in the class.
As everyone follows Adam’s instructions, everyone is placed on mute during the class and is welcome to keep their video on or off, whatever feels most comfortable.
Each class lasts around 30minutes and will include a range of stretches, strengthening exercises, and a short meditation/relaxation section at the end. This meditation section can be challenging for many at first, but it’s amazing how many grow to love it so much, it becomes their favourite bit.
After the class, there is a short time to put forward prayer requests, testimonials and have a chat with everyone else in the class.
As we have mentioned, the approach of this class may seem a little different at first. But it doesn’t take long for people to start noticing a difference in their flexibility, strength, and ability to enjoy physical activities more, like long walks, getting up the stairs easier, and a general increase in peace.

- Access to two live classes/week (Tuesday & Thursday at 9.30 am)
- Access to the recording of both classes. The recording will be a private YouTube link that only you guys can see, it will not be available to the public. These recordings will be available until the classes the following week.
- My prayer to the Lord is that He sends the people to this class that He wants here. So if the Lord lays anyone on your heart to recommend this class to, and they end up joining, by way of honouring that I'd love to give you 1 FREE MONTH. Just make sure they mention you when joining.
- REMEMBER: This monthly fee is per screen/account. For example, if you are doing it in your house with a friend or spouse, it is not £20 for you and your friend/spouse. It is £20/screen. Once we are allowed, you could have 400 people in your living room if you like doing the class, it would still only be £20 (I'm not sure how many of you would like that many people in your house though!)
If you’d like to have a go at it, please try the rest of this month for free. If it works for you then great, if not you are more than welcome to cancel any time.
Class FAQs
Got a question? We are here to answer! If you don't see your question here, please drop us a line on our contact us section.
Do I need to be fit?
In short, absolutely not. It's a funny paradox isn't it; we think we need to be fit to join a gym and we need to be holy before we come to church! :-) The whole point of this class is to help people from all ability levels to learn more about their bodies, improve their health, all with Christ's love central.
Because I am not there in person coaching you, there is a personal responsibility that does need to be taken, learning how much to do and when to ease back. Which is why you will hear me say often "do less than you think you should, you can always come back tomorrow and do more". Also, each exercise will have adaptations to make it more suitable for whatever level you're at.
Having said all that, I would highly recommend going through the free taster course first. This is a great 6 session free course that will gently introduce your body to some of the movements we use.
Will I need experience?
If you have exercised before, you might pick up on some of the techniques a little quicker. But it is not necessary at all. One of the main tips to take on board is realising the enormous value in the process of learning. We (I am no exception!) can often think we are not doing well until we have completed a task, or in this case, are able to perform each exercise perfectly and we've achieved all our health-related goals.
Everything the Lord does with us is relational. Yes, it's great to get fitter and achieve goals, but from a place of knowing in Him, we are already a success. So experience is not a necessity, enjoying the process because we know He's there in it with us is what really makes us rich.
How will I know the class suits me?
This is a good question. For some of you, where you are in your journey with the Lord and with your health, this class may be exactly what you need right now. For some, there may be other resources that work best for you. This is why we've put together a few free resources that will hopefully give you a better idea of whether this class is for you or not.
1) Social media posts. Please feel free to scroll through our many social media posts as the information we share here, the clips from the classes and other posts will give you a better flavour of what we, this class and the community its created is all about.
2) Free 6 sessions taster course. This free taster course contains 6 recorded classes that run exactly like the live sessions. By going through this course you will see how the classes are generally structured, the type of content, my style of coaching etc. Which will hopefully give you an even better idea of what the sessions are like.
3) A free 20min zoom call with me. If you'd like to try the classes, upon signing up you have the offer of a free 20min zoom call with me. The purpose of this zoom call is firstly for us to connect a little and for me to hopefully answer any questions you may have about the class. After talking to you for a little bit, I might have some suggestions that help you get more out of the classes or even some other resources that might be better for you.
For your peace of mind, you are free to cancel the subscription at any time.
Will I need expensive equipment?
From time to time, we use common household items like a sofa, books, towels etc. But the vast majority of movements we do require no equipment at all. I do recommend having a comfortable surface to lie on like an exercise mat. Having a towel and a bottle of water to hand is also a good idea.
As you will be following the class on a screen, it is worth taking some time to find the best spot in your house to do the class. You will need to create some room on the floor around your exercise mat, plus be able to see the screen you're using both from the lying down position and standing up.
As the class is online, do I need to be good with tech?
During lockdown, I'm sure many of us have had to use tech a bit more than we're used to. I know I had to go on a steep learning curve!! Currently, the class is done on the video meeting platform zoom. Once you sign up to the class, you will be sent a private link. All you will need to do to join the class each time is click that same link. You do not need a zoom account to attend the classes. Unless we let you know, the link will stay the same for every class.
You can either save the link (or the meeting ID details if you know what that is) or, the evening before each class, I send out a reminder email that contains the link.
Most clients either use a tablet, phone or computer to view the classes. Many however find the best way is to connect their device to their TV. Either by wirelessly casting it or connecting it using a HDMI cable. If you're unsure of how to do this, there are lots of videos online. Search how to connect your device to your TV.
What if I want to cancel my subscription?
There are no fixed term contracts. If you'd like to stop attending the classes, just drop us an email letting us know and then you can cancel your standing order at any time.
What is your experience in running classes?
We've been running these Strong Supple Believers classes in this live, online format since November 2020. I personally have been in the health & fitness industry for nearly 20years, working as a personal trainer with the general population as well as working on a government scheme helping people with chronic conditions ranging from heart surgery to lung disease and more.
A passion of mine has always been to help people where they're at. Our bodies are designed to move, yet many places we go to move (like a gym) can be very daunting. It ends up with the odd, yet understandable scenario where the people that need the gym the most don't go because it's so daunting.
I do prefer in-person coaching, but an unsurprising benefit from these online classes is that you can try it from the comfort of your own home. Which moves us on nicely to the next question...
If the classes are LIVE will people see me?
The classes are live and my camera will always be on so that you can see my demonstrations. To help the flow of the class, all members are muted for the entire class. Whether you have your camera on or not is completely up to you. Most class members have their camera off for the duration of the class. Some people, as they have become more comfortable with the community within the class, keep their cameras on. But please understand, this is completely personal choice and I would like each individual to do whatever they feel most comfortable doing.
Another example of this is at the end of the class, I offer the opportunity for members to unmute themselves, and some hang around for a chat. This is completely optional and personal. If anyone does not want to engage in this and head off straight after the class this is no problem whatsoever 😀
We also record the sessions and make them available to members soon after. So if you are really uncomfortable with joining a live class, you can always just watch the recordings afterwards.
I decided to make the classes a live product as I've noticed the adherence rate skyrockets. What do I mean by this? Well, imagine you are given an exercise program to do by a trainer or a doctor, and it is left up to you when you do it, how often and you are never checked up on. Compare this to a scheduled appointment you have in your diary, that you are paying for and you know your friends and coach will be there with you. Which one are you more likely to attend?
I've run all sorts of online and in-person training programs. And I've been nicely surprised at the attendance rates of the current gang of SSB members. They hardly miss! And with this regular attendance, results are a nice side-effect.
What happens if I skip a class or two or the times aren't working out for me?
Well the first thing is not to worry 😀. We record every class so you can always catch up if you miss a class, or if you find the time of the live sessions aren't working out for you. And don't worry if you miss the odd week or two because of holidays or other commitments. Yes, the results will be better as you make these classes and other healthy habits a part of your lifestyle, but sometimes a break can be good.
If you do find it a struggle to attend the classes or stick to any of the healthy habits you're trying to implement, here are a few tips that may help:
1) Pray about it. Proverbs 3 shows us how we can so easily lean on our own understanding, but trusting and involving the Lord intimately in everything we do will lead to the healing of all our flesh and refreshment (or medicine) to our bones. And ofcourse, trusting Him will lead to the most important thing of all, getting to know Him better.
So if you're struggling with sticking to healthy habits, ask our Father what's His take on it. The Lord wants you well and part of His work on the cross was the healing of your mind and body. Ask Him for a promise in Scripture for your health. Then, whenever you're struggling, you can stand on this promise.
2) Involve friends. One of my mentors once said "you can change the world with the Holy Spirit and 5 friends!" I loved that. Whether a bunch of you join the class together or just regularly share with each how you're doing, this can make a huge difference.
And if you don't currently have anyone in your life like this, guess what? Pray for the right type of friends to come along!