Are you fed up with strict diets, exercise routines you always fall behind on and constantly fighting guilt with the way you look or feel? The single solution to ditching strict diets, eradicating guilt and delighting in your exercise routines is through embracing Jesus’ love for you and your health.
And experience all of this in a community of like-minded People.
“I was delighted when you said that you were going to start doing the strength and supple classes. It was exactly what I had been thinking I needed to do. After losing 3 stone of weight, I needed to think about toning up some of my muscles but also felt that I needed a routine that I could stick to. I enjoy walking, but it doesn’t help with my flexibility. Emyr and I used to go swimming at least twice a week which helped, but since the first lockdown our pool has been closed.
I have had problems with my shoulder for a few years now and your classes have really helped. I know that the Lord wants us to be healthy, to enable us to do the work that he has called us to, but we need to do our bit in looking after the body that he has given us. I have been on a journey for the past 12 months in doing this with the Lord's help and I know that you have been a fundamental part of this journey.
So, thank you Adam for being the blessing from Jesus that you are.”
“I am finding the stretches in the class are really helping my running. I know that I could do this on my own but I’m much more disciplined if I follow a class. It’s great to have the recordings through because I try to do a class before I go out on a run.
In the first lockdown, I did exercise DVD’s but I love being part of the class as it’s not just about physical fitness but is linked to our spiritual fitness too. This is therefore totally different from any other exercise class or DVD I’ve done in the past.
I’m encouraged to know that you are praying for us Adam. We all need more people praying for us in our lives. The same goes too that we can pray for you too when you share for example the internet issues you had at the start, we can also take these requests to the Lord.”

Build Confidence
Through good health, exercise, and prayer you can develop a deeper understanding of your identity in Christ and learn how to live in the knowledge that you are a beloved child of God the Father first and foremost. My prayer is that through this new understanding you will grow in confidence and be able to step into the new reality of whom you were created to be.
Boost Your Mood
It's well documented that exercise improves both physical and mental health. Our community is centred around acceptance and love promoting an uplifting holistic environment that nurtures the mind-body and soul. Re-aligning our spirit with that of the fathers drawing us closer together.
But don't just take my word for it here's what Bridget said:
“I wanted to join because I have long been aware that Adam is a very good coach and I like his focus on core strength, flexibility, and not needing any fancy equipment! I was very interested in combining exercise and spirituality which is centered in Christ (as opposed to yoga, for example), as I am all in favour of living holistically.”
Increase Energy Levels
Learn a warm-up routine that loosens every part of the body that helps you get better results and will leave you feeling looser after the very first session.
Gradually be taken through two fundamental movements that help strengthen key parts of the body and have huge carryover benefits to everyday life.
Experience a very clever way of training that will make the most of your time and help you increase strength, suppleness, and weight loss all in the same session.
Receive expert tuition on technique and adaptations, so you know you’re doing it right whatever level of health & experience you’re starting with.
Learn (a deep and meaningful connection) more about how Jesus views us, our health, and how involved He wants to be with you on this journey.
Experience a powerful relaxation, meditation, and prayer time at the end of each session.
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