FREE Exercise &
Health Resources
Free Taster Exercise Class
You've got through life well, very well actually. You've always been a busy person, committed to work life, home life and serving everyone around you.
Most days you feel pretty good.
But then it happens, you look up at your parents one day and you realise time is catching up to you. Or you went on a family walk and the hill felt tougher than it should or lifting boxes twinged muscles you've never felt before.
It's called age. And it doesn't have to define you, slow you down or defeat you.
My classes are online, there is no intimidating gym "must-knows" or equipment overwhelm.
Together we work through movement that strengthens and stretches, helping you regain confidence in yourself and your body.
And the most beautiful thing of all is, we journey with Jesus and discover His way of looking at our health and wellbeing. I can tell you now - it's nothing like the world sees it...
The taster session is designed to remove the barrier of the unknown and get you to moving towards the change you want to see in your life.
Do the class, if you like it - get in touch, because if there is one thing nearly two decades of personal training has taught me...
It's that exercise with God - works.
"Marrying years of experience and adaptable movement with the foundational truths of the Bible. Folks, let me tell you. God-centered exercise WORKS"
Sleep Psalms
This has been asked after by our community of Strong and Supple Believers.
We produced it and thought - there are so many people who will be blessed and lulled to sleep by these psalms.
If you need sleep, peace or a calming moment to set yourself back on track.
Don't wait, have a listen to Andy's Sleep Psalms.