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The live classes start at 9.30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the recordings made available soon after. Reminder emails are sent out the day before each class that also contain Scriptures, testimonies, and encouragements from Adam and others in the class.


As everyone follows Adam’s instructions, everyone is placed on mute during the class and is welcome to keep their video on or off, whatever feels most comfortable.


Each class lasts around 30minutes and will include a range of stretches, strengthening exercises, and a short meditation/relaxation section at the end. This meditation section can be challenging for many at first, but it’s amazing how many grow to love it so much, it becomes their favourite bit.


After the class, there is a short time to put forward prayer requests, testimonials and have a chat with everyone else in the class. 


As we have mentioned, the approach of this class may seem a little different at first. But it doesn’t take long for people to start noticing a difference in their flexibility, strength, and ability to enjoy physical activities more, like long walks, getting up the stairs easier, and a general increase in peace.




- Access to two live classes/week (Tuesday & Thursday at 9.30 am)


- Access to the recording of both classes. The recording will be a private YouTube link that only you guys can see, it will not be available to the public. These recordings will be available until the classes the following week.


- My prayer to the Lord is that He sends the people to this class that He wants here. So if the Lord lays anyone on your heart to recommend this class to, and they end up joining, by way of honouring that I'd love to give you 1 FREE MONTH. Just make sure they mention you when joining.


- REMEMBER: This monthly fee is per screen/account. For example, if you are doing it in your house with a friend or spouse, it is not £20 for you and your friend/spouse. It is £20/screen. Once we are allowed, you could have 400 people in your living room if you like doing the class, it would still only be £20 (I'm not sure how many of you would like that many people in your house though!)


If you’d like to have a go at it, please try the rest of this month for free. If it works for you then great, if not you are more than welcome to cancel any time. 

Class FAQs

Do I need to be fit?


Will I need experience?


How will I know the class suits me?


Will I need expensive equipment?


What if I want to cancel my subscription


What is your experience in running classes?


Am I safe in a class run by you?


If the classes are LIVE will people see me?


What happens if I skip a class or two?

No available programs


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